Monday, November 2, 2015

How To Communicate In Body Language (part 1 of 2)

Communication is the method of exchanging messages between two or more people. But words are not the only effective means of talking to another person. The use of body language is a type of nonverbal communication wherein one would use his body to express. This includes the gestures, posture, facial expression, and eye contact. The fact is that all of us are unaware most of the time that we are already sending signals and conveying messages.

Let Your Eyes Speak

The eyes are truly the windows of the soul. It can speak louder than any body movements, even words. The power that the eyes have is that they are truly expressive; no matter what we say, the eyes will prove one's sincerity or honesty.

The eye contact is a very strong reinforcement of your current situation. When the other person is talking and you are maintaining eye contact, it signifies that you are listening to her and you are interested in the conversation. When you are the one talking, eye contact indicates that you are being honest and sincere about what you are saying.

Your eyes can also show that you are undergoing boredom, anxiety, distraction, and lack of interest. Boredom and lack of interest is reflected when the eyes are dull or would break the eye contact and wander around the room. Distraction is also indicated by the sudden break of eye contact and the eyes will be directed to the source of distraction. Meanwhile, anxiety or tension is evident when there is an increase in one's blinking rate.

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